After perfumes, the latest fad is to have a drink or fruity delight named after you! Here are a few stars who have mouth-watering shakes and wines named after them.
The latest to join the bandwagon in none other than Pamela Anderson. The actress shook things up in Hollywood as she unveiled her all-vegan shake. The event took place at the Millions of Milkshakes store in West Hollywood. PETA is calling her shake a 'cow-friendly concoction'. (Getty Images/Craig Sjodin) |
Wine-ing babe Paris : Paris Hilton, who oozes sensuality, has now also bottled up her appeal!(Getty Images/Dave Hogan) |
Spice it up with wine : Victoria Beckham not only battles it out in the beauty market but her name is also prominent in the FMCG market. (Getty Image/Dave Hogan) |
Mallika Shake : Bollywood diva Mallika Sherawat has the honour of having a milk shake named after her! 'Mallika Shake', which includes berries and chocolates, makes Mallika sound rich and fruitful! |
Miley Cyrus milkshake madness The irresistible Miley Cyrus has a milkshake in the market named after her - it's a yummy blend of vanilla, cookie dough, Reese's peanut butter cups and whipped cream.
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Material Girl Ale : Good news for beer drinkers! Order a bottle of 'Material Girl Ale' beer sporting pop icon Madonna's picture on it. (Pic: Getty images) |
Marilyn Merlot : Even posthumously, Marilyn Monroe lends her name to Marilyn Wines - one of the fastest-appreciating wines in the market. Its catalogue includes Marilyn Merlot, a coveted collector's item; Marilyn Cabernet; Norma Jeane and the Velvet Collection, which sports a nude portrait of the blonde star.
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Milllions Of Milkshakes : Heidi Montag can boast of the mouth-watering milkshake named after her. (AP/Isaac Brekken) |
The Kardashian : Socialite Kourtney Kardashian has the milkshake 'The Kardashian' named after her. It's a refreshing blend of cookie dough, peanut butter and 'Captain Crunch'. (AGENCIES) |
Milkshake babe : How could the queen of pop, Britney Spears not be on the menu? Yup, she too has a flavoured drink named after her. (REUTERS/Rolando Aviles) |
Milllions of Milkshakes : As if the attention that she draws was not enough to flatter her! Lindsay Lohan is a brand name in her own and a milkshake named after her by 'Millions of Milkshakes' makes her even more hot. (Getty Images/Dave Hogan) |