Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Top celeb Potheads

Marijuana(ganja) is not just for dopes anymore, at least not in Hollywood. From legalization activists to occasional users, here are the Hollywood's top tokers.

The sultry actress, Megan Fox has acknowledged her marijuana use. The 'Transformers' star confessed that she has used drugs but not anything other than marijuana(ganja). She's called on the government to legalize weed on many occasions. With Megan Fox on the side, legalization can't be far behind. (AGENCIES)
Paris Hilton is known for her toking habits. In 2005, the heiress was investigated for reportedly offering marijuana( ganja) to teenagers for a taping of her show 'The Simple Life: Interns'. (Getty Images/Bruno Vincent)
If Star magazine is to believed then, Heidi Montag is a serious weed toker. The nefarious paparazzi lover was spotted going into 'The Farmacy', which is a medical marijuana facility in Los Angeles. (AGENCIES)
Nicole Richie admitted to having smoked pot, as well as taking Vicodin, when she was arrested for a DUI charge in 2007. The reality star was arrested after driving the wrong way on the Ventura Freeway. (REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni)
It wasn't all that long ago when Charlize Theron was caught sucking smoke from an apple. The pictures were published in National Enquirer back in 2002. While she never admitted to her marijuana use, it's doubtful that this was her first rodeo. (AGENCIES)
In February 2007, while vacationing in Hawaii, Cameron Diaz was photographed smoking a joint. They were the hottest pot-parazzi pictures of 2007. She once told Britain's 'GQ' magazine about her teen years of smoking and surfing and Cameron was the first woman to be voted as Top CelebStoner. (Getty Images/Dave Hogan)
Kirsten Dunst thinks the world would be a better place if everyone smoked weed. The actress admitted to smoking the ganja, saying, 'I do like weed. I have a different outlook on marijuana than America does.' (AGENCIES)
The 'Friends' star has confessed to indulging from time to time, but is keen to point out she is not an addict. She says, 'I enjoy it once in a while. There is nothing wrong with that. Everything in moderation. I wouldn't call myself a pot-head. It's not cocaine or shooting heroin.' (Getty Images/Sean Gallup)
Brad Pitt has been known for his pot-smoking over the years. He reportedly was an everyday pothead during his marriage to Jennifer Aniston from 2000-2005. Recently, his current wife Angelina Jolie blamed Jennifer for Brad's pot use. (REUTERS/Vincent West)

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