Bakhtiyaar Irani, who was among the last four contestants of 'Bigg Boss 3', has opted out of the show just five days before the final. The four contestants, Poonam Dillon, Vindoo Dara Singh, Parvesh Rana and Irani were given the option to walk away with Rs 10 lakh. While the other contestants chose to stay till the end, Irani decided to leave the show with the money. |
Poonam Dhillion is the second lady after Carol Gracias to make it to Grand Finale of 'Bigg Boss'. Poonam has proved to be a tough nut to crack and came across as really helpful housemate. Her calm and cool nature has proved beneficial to survive in the house and that has been noticed by her fans outside too. So now let's wait and watch whether she can be the first lady to create history by wining 'Bigg Boss 3'. |
Coming from a filmy background, Vindoo Dara Singh time and again proved his strong voting back-up from his fans. His faith in his voters and love for Indian audience might encourage them to vote. On the show, he was one of the contestants who used to connect to audiences directly through cameras. |
Pravesh Rana, ex-Mr. India joined the reality show much later as a wild card entry and proved out to be a strong contestant. None of the wild-cards in 'Bigg Boss' history have reached the top 4. His fan following and voting till date also made him as one of the strong contenders of 'Bigg Boss 3'. |